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Village of New Athens

From the Desk of Mayor Joe


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Support for Law Enforcement Officers

A good friend of Janie and mine sent us a digital image of a beautiful blue candle with the suggestion to “light up Facebook” to show support for our Police Officers.  We currently have our porch lighted with a blue light 24/7 to show our support.  There is a few more blue porch lights around town.

I especially have a tremendous amount of gratitude for our village police force, but I also am very thankful for all law enforcement officers, village, county, state, federal (AFT, DEA, US Marshal).  With reference to AFT, and other branches, we sometimes “kill the Messenger” as some of the laws enforced is interrupted as violation of our Second Amendment Rights (right to bear arms).  I try to focus my concern on the law makers as opposed to the law enforcers, sometimes it difficult,